Research Field
Micro-climate around buildings
Thermal environment in Subway system
Experiment & Simulation on Natural Ventilation
1990.9-1994.7 Bachelor, Harbin University of Civil Eng. & Arch.
1994.9-1997.7 Master, Department of Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University
1999.9-2003.12 Doctor, School of Architecture, Tsinghua Univ.
Academic Experience
School of Architecture, Tsinghua University
2001,Visiting Scholar, Tokyo University, Japan.
1997~present, Associate Professor, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University.
Research Project
[1]National 11-5th Science and Technology Project, Demonstration project on the integrated renewable within buildings, Hebei University of Technology;
[2]Key project of National “eleventh five-year science and technology supportive plan”: “Research and demonstration of key technology of building energy efficiency”: “Building energy efficiency design method and simulation software development”, 2006-2010.
[3] Science and technology plan of MOST :”Virtual reality of subway disaster (VR) and disaster prevention system of Beijing subway control center (OCC)”.
[4]National Science Fund research project,Research on the formation of the airflow turbulence characteristic within indoor environment, 2005~2007;
[5]National Science and Technology Ministry 11-5th project, Research of Key Technology for reductions method of building energy consumption, 2004.6~2006.6.
[6]Guangzhou Metro Corp., Research on the environment control system of the screen door in Guangzhou subway system. 2007.7~2008.5.
[7]Arup, Building environment on site measurement in HK SAR, 2005.8~2005.12。
[8] The Palace Museum,Simulation research on the HVAC scheme of the Meridian Gate Exhibition Hall in the Palace Museum,2004.3~2004.6。
[9]Guangzhou Metro Corp., Measurement of the thermal environment of Guangzhou Metro Line 1,2003.5~2003.12。
[1] Building Ventilation,32 classes,10~15 persons
[2] Design of HVAC system,39 classes,30 persons
(1)Meridian Gate Exhibition Hall of the Palace Museum, UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Awards for Culture Heritage Conservation, awarded by UNESCO, 2005
(2)Subway Thermal Environment Study, the second prize of Progress in Science & Technology, award by Ministry of Education, 2000
(3)Professional practice in education of building service engineering, the 1st-class Prize of University Education, awarded by Beijing Municipal Commission of Education, 2009.
Social Title
[1].Fellow Member, Green building evaluation Council of Minstry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People’s Republic of China.
[2].Fellow Member, Green building evaluation Council of Beijing City Project Construction Committee
[1]Cheng Li, Xiaofeng Li, Yaxuan Su, Yingxin Zhu , A new zero-equation turbulence model for micro-scale climate simulation[J], Building and Environment, 2012( 47): P243-255.
[2]Jie Ma, Xiaofeng Li, and Yingxin Zhu. A simplified method to predict the outdoor thermal environment in residential district. Building Simulation, 2012. 5(2): p. 157-167.
[3]Zhen Zeng, Xiaofeng Li, Cheng Li, Yingxin Zhu. Modeling ventilation in naturally ventilated double-skin fa?ade with a venetian blind. Building and Environment, 2012. 57(0): p. 1-6.
[4]Cheng Li, Zhen Zeng, Xiaofeng Li, Application of The porous media model in the natural ventilation simulation of double skin fa?ade], 7th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning (ISHVAC 2011), Shanghai, China, 2011
[5] Borong Lin, Xiaofeng Li, Yingxin Zhu, and Youguo Qin, Numerical simulation studies of the different vegetation patterns’ effects on outdoor pedestrian thermal comfort, Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 2008
[6] Liang Li, Xiaofeng Li, Borong Lin, Yingxin Zhu, Improved k-epsilon two-equation turbulence model for canopy flow, ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 2006(2), v 40, p 762-770
[7] Zhang YP, Li XF, Wang XK, Deng W, Qian K, Spatial flow influence factor: A novel concept for indoor air pollutant control, SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIESE-ENGINEERING & MATERIALS SCIENCE, 2006(2), v 49, p 115-128
[9] Xiaofeng Li, Yingxin Zhu, Xianting Li, Qisen Yan, Numerical prediction of microclimate in residential building cluster, Energy and the Environment - Proceedings of the International Conference on Energy and the Environment, 2003, p 1143-1147
[10] Yi Jiang, Xiaofeng Li, Bin Zhao, Zhiqin Zhang, Yufeng Zhang, SARS and ventilation, Proceedings of the 2003 4th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning, 2003, p 27-36
[11] Borong Lin, Xiaofeng Li, Yingxin Zhu, Technical focuses and approaches for improving the outside environment quality for green housings,Energy and the Environment - Proceedings of the International Conference on Energy and the Environment, 2003, p 1131-1136
[12]Xiaofeng Li, Zhiqin Zhang, Borong Lin, Yingxin Zhu, Experimental researches on the outdoor microclimatic characteristics of a residential building cluster, Energy and the Environment - Proceedings of the International Conference on Energy and the Environment, 2003, p 1148-1153
[13]Zhang YF, Li XF,Zhu YX,Jiang Y, Research on infectious concentration of airborne Sars virus, Proceedings of the 2003 4th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning, p164-171,2003